Thanks @iMichaelTen. That would be great, we feel this approach is the only way to really evolve a species.

08 Jun 2020, 00:29
Thanks @iMichaelTen! That would be great, we feel this approach is the only way to really evolve a species. It'll happen one way or the other :). Jack, please donate to Bright ID and Hedge 4 Humanity. Thank you. @jack @AndrewYang @H4HFund @BrightIDProject @cadamstallard @brandonvenetta @EricStetson @VitalikButerin @scottsantens #UBI #BasicIncome #CryptoUBI

Same news in other sources

MannaMANNA #8302
08 Jun 2020, 00:36
Ever feel like politics are running in place on the same issues like a treadmill with no progress actually being made? That can change very promptly.
Ever feel like politics are running in place on the same issues like a treadmill with no progress actually being made.
Ever feel like politics are running in place on the same issues like a treadmill with no progress actually being made? That can change very promptly.